Nov 23, 2012

O'Dea vs University . . .

O'Dea 6 - University 34
(November 9th - 2012)

The first State playoff game was against University in Spokane WA.
It also happened to be O'Dea's last game of the season.

The boys played hard and put it all out there on the field . . .
yet it was just not their night.

At O'Dea . . .
we love our football team . . . the coaches . . . the football families . . .
and the fans that come out to watch the games!

We all know that it is so much more than just a football game . . .
 it is about dedication . . . it is about a bond of brotherhood . . .
it is about football . . . and most importantly . . .
it is about becoming a gentleman both on and off the field.

It was a very memorable season . . .
one that will be sure to last a lifetime!!

and as they say . . .
next season starts the day after the last game - win or lose . . .
(or perhaps in this case . . . when the last play is finished! )

so here is a big shout out to next season . . .  


And a very big " Thank You!! "
to all those Fans who supported the O'Dea football team this year . . .
even in the chilliest of games!!!
O'Dea Fans Rock!!

see you all next year . . . with a new goal of winning STATE!!!

Nov 10, 2012

O'Dea vs Lakes . . .

O'Dea 28 - Lakes 25
(November 3rd - 2012)

The district playoff game was played at Memorial Stadium against Lakes . . .

The game started off a bit rocky . . .
with a called back touchdown from an inadvertent whistle . . .
 but - the Fighting Irish have been coached to be a Very Disciplined Team!!

The team stayed focused - both physically and mentally!

The Offense put the points on the board . . . the Defense held Lakes at their goal line . . .
and the Special Teams blocked two extra points!!
All of which added up to a very exciting WIN for the Fighting Irish!!

and now . . .
this O'Dea team is moving on to State!!!


Great Game Boys!!!

and a few more photos of friends and family . . .
in support of O'Dea Football!!!

to read more on the highlights of the game . . .
here are some news links . . . 

The Seattle Times . . . and in the Tacoma News Tribune

To see the WIAA - 3A Football Bracket - click here!!

Hope to see you all at the next game . . .
we will be playing our first State playoff game against University . . .
 in Spokane, Washington!!

See you there!!!