Nov 3, 2012

O'Dea vs Rainier Beach . . .

O'Dea 64 - Rainier Beach 28
(October 25th - 2012)

O'Dea played a great game of football against Rainier Beach last Thursday  . . .

At O'Dea . . .
 one learns to LOVE and RESPECT the running game!! 

We have great talent and speed on the team this year . . .
but - we all know that it takes a TEAM to make it all come together!!

From the camera angle one can see it all . . .

from the initial hand-off . . . 
to the Offensive line creating these amazing holes for the running backs . . .
to the team work that takes place with the lead blockers as they run down the field . . .
and then finally watching the field open up to a sea of green . . .

In the second half - the Defense did a great job holding Rainier Beach . . .
and toward the end of the game there was a well focused interception . . .
that I only wish I could have caught on camera!

Yes - we respect the running game at O'Dea . . .
it too is part of the O'Dea tradition!!

The boys at O'Dea know all about brotherhood and teamwork
and as they also know - it truly takes a team to come out with a win!! 

And WIN they did!!

Great Game Boys!!

here are a few Fighting Irish fan photos . . .
in support of O'Dea Football!!!

Hope to see you all on Saturday - Nov. 3rd at 4:00
at Memorial Stadium
for our District game against Lakes!!

It should be another great Fighting Irish Football Game!!!
See you then . . .


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