Sep 30, 2012

O'Dea vs Ingraham. . .

O'Dea 48 - Ingraham 7
(September 28th - 2012)

The fifth game of the season . . .
was O'Dea's Homecoming game against Ingraham.

The boys played a great game . . .
they threw the ball . . . they ran the ball . . .
and the defense did a great job!!!

All of the boys played well and had a ton of fun!! 

This game was all about the O'Dea brotherhood . . .
giving time on the field for many of the young players.

At O'Dea . . .
it is all about faith . . . family . . . tradition . . . brotherhood . . .
and oh yes . . .


Great Game Boys - Well Done!!!

here is a great highlight video of the game via MaxPreps . . .
also available here on youtube!

and here are a few Fighting Irish fan photos . . .
in support of O'Dea Football!!!

It was the perfect homecoming football game . . .
for both the players and the fans!!

Hope to see you all next Saturday . . .
O'Dea is playing Blanchet!!


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