Oct 8, 2012

O'Dea vs Blanchet . . .

O'Dea 32 - Blanchet 19
(October 6th - 2012)

The sixth game of the season . . .
was in North Seattle against Blanchet . . .

The Sun was out . . .
and it was a beautiful day for a football game!!

The Fighting Irish fought hard against the Braves . . .
 and came home with another Irish Win!!


Great Game Boys!!

here are a few Fighting Irish fan photos . . .
in support of O'Dea Football!!!

Hope to see you all next Friday . . .

O'Dea is playing Eastside Catholic!!
This is a HUGE game - probably the biggest game of the regular season!!

It's time to put on your Maroon and Gold . . .
and come out and cheer these boys on to another BIG Win!!


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